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BCS's story

 A newly graduated student from Dhaka University has a massive dream of being a first-class job holder like ASP. Bangladesh Public Service Commission(BPSC) is the only authority, and Bangladesh Civil Service(BCS) is the only exam to employ the Government official in Bangladesh. 

It has three parts- preliminary, written and viva. Preliminary is MCQ based exam, and that will give you a only ticket for the written exam. But, the written that exam is more important to get your desirable cader. You need at least 420 marks among 900 to pass in the exam.

In viva, you have to show your skills to get 200 marks. But, most of the candidate gets 130 in the viva.

But, the journey of BCS is too long to everyone can not continue this journey. Two years need to complete the whole process of requirement. 

There is uncertainty in this journey. It's not sure that one candidate will get cader after passing viva. Those who have passed the exam but don't have enough marks are considered non-cader candidates, and they are employed in different sectors.

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